I have added an updated video to You Tube to
complement the launch and book-signings of my
latest novel, RISK.
What else can one do on a wet June afternoon in
France, waiting for the imminent thunderstorm, but
write a poem?.....What! Poetry and I?....Never!
But hold on.....what is this?
Ode to an Author & His
There was a man from Limousin ,
whom some considered a
He started writing
mystery crime
but changed by going
back in time
to writing novels on
World War Two
about the evil that
some men do
to innocent victims,
children too.
Sadly, all the tales
are mostly true
but who cares, apart
from me and you?
He passed his time in
Haute Vienne,
picking up stories as
and when
from geriatrics who
survived to tell
their stories of the
living hell
that they endured
beneath the weight
of Pétain’s guilt and
Hitler’s might.
We won the war but lost
the peace;
the Germans’ grip will
never cease.
Write the books and
tell the world,
yet no one seems to be
Life moves on and
memories fade
of lives and homes that
they once gave
to win the freedom we
now cherish,
with no regard for
those who perished.
I hope the stories you
will retain
therefore, their
sacrifice was not in vain.
Copyright ©James R. Vance
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