Monday, July 29, 2013

La fête à Oradour-Saint-Genest

First there was a 'vide grenier', well-attended with a plethora of stalls, where the main topic was bargaining.

Then the 'boulistes' began arriving for the
'concours de boules'.

Later, it was time to retire to the bar before a meal in the open-air followed by dancing and topped off by a firework display across the lake.

...and the rain stayed away!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tour de France

Memories of Le Tour de France at Saint-Auban-Montrand July 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Summer at Last

Okay, it's 6 July and summer has finally arrived...better late than never.

There was a rush to bring out the garden furniture, prepare a tuna salad al fresco and relax on the sun loungers.

Apparently, according to the meteo, the high pressure is here for at least another week. I see long lazy days ahead with the occasional dip in the pool to stay cool.

I love France once more!